15 January 2009

A Surprised cake

Original Posted : 30 Sep 08

Since we finished A3 class, we have dinner every aroud 3 months. According to our birthdays.

Last Saturday was for Pooh, P'Nok and Girl. P'Aoi and I talked about a bakery near a restaurant to buy a cake for them. Since P'Aoi suggested that I shouldn't brought my car there, for our unity. (3 cars 8 pax; 2 pax for 1 car and 3 pax for 2 cars. It's kind of lonely) So, I had to used public transportations. That's no problem, even though, I dying to drove a family's new car. The power of newfangled was very hugh as everyone knew.

Well, Let me explain a little. Ones of our member still have a class at SST, two of them have car. Their class finished at 4.30 pm. So, everyone joined there after they finished. And we(8 pax; 2 cars) went to the res together.

Back to the story, that's why I couldn't did it for a surprise(I mean the surprised cake) , cause all of us joined at SST and went to the res together. I didn't have time to hide the cake if we went together, unless I bought it and went to the res first. In that case, I need a car. As I told you before that we needed a unity. So, our(Mine and P'Aoi) conclusion was after we arrived there, meanwhile we let everyone else enter the res, we went to bought the cake at a bakery -fortunately that the place there was a supermarket which have a bakery. Hurray \(^0^)/-.

I left the cake with a waitress(who was trained very well, also everyone at the res, they're very helpful) then enter the private room. (As our UN-LOWER-ABLE voicess, we extremely needed it.)

Then, none explaination would naccessary. You knew what we were doing after that.

When everyone started to talked about desserts, I met P'Aoi's eyes and we nodded, better brought the cake before they ordered everything in a menu.(Only me and P'Aoi knew about the surprise) The waitress brought the cake to me after I told her.

I stabbed and lit candles. While I was going to brought the cake, P'Nok had left the room. OMG!! Of all people. why the one of the birthday gilrs had to left the room??

Had no choice, I'd to pretend to backed from toilet and enter the room. I totally forgot that I let the lights lit. The waitress had to came to told me that the candles nearly gone.
Don't panick!
Thank God that we had a box of candles. This time I only stabbed them and waited(for a little long time) for P'Nok to came back.

I think I looked like some jerk, hiding around the cornor, No one (our friends) saw me except every waitresses and waiters in the res. If I could read mind, maybe I'd heard sth like
"What is she doing out there, hiding like 6 year-old-kid." or
"Does she need a cup of tea? Why don't she just tell us?"

After humiliated myself, P'Nok finally came back from toilet. I hurry lit the candles before someone'd left the room again. I brought the cake into the room -well, whether they'd alresdy knew or not(I'd left the room many times to prepared the surprise)- they glad for the cake. And me too, it's delicious. 3 lbs cake gone and had left only an empty box. Don't ask how much I ate.

I didn't mention how fun we were,did I?
Yeah, I think we all had a great time. Meet friends we used to met every Saturday for 3 years. Ate a lot of food.(Great for the stomach. Bad when I've to diet -which I never do-.) Talked and laughed so much that maybe we digested all of food we ate.

I heard someone had asked about the next. Not that I don't wanna meet them but for my purse's sake, maybe we should wait until money had come to rest at my purse, then, we will meet again.

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